Celer® AFLA, ELISA, 48 det.

Celer® AFLA, ELISA, 48 det.

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ELISA test kit for the quantitative detection of total aflatoxins in cereals, feed, nuts, dried fruits, cottonseed and spices.

Advantages: single replication layout and just 15 minutes of incubation time make the Celer® ELISA kit very effective screening solutions when high throughput analysis is needed.

SKU HU0040031
Assay principle Microplate competitive enzyme immunoassay.
Format Microtiter plate with 48 wells
Assay time 15 min
Analysable samples Cereals, Feed, Nuts, Dried Fruits, Cottonseed, Spices
Detection limit (LOD) All matrices - 2 ppb
Sample preparation
  • Cereals, Nuts and Dried Fruits and ginger - grinding, homogenization, methanol-water extraction, filtration
  • Maize Germ, Feed, Cottonseed - grinding, methanol-water extraction, filtration, purification with Easypur AFLA
  • Paprika and Chili - grinding, homogenization, methanol-water extraction, filration, dilution, filtration, column purification, evaporation
Specificity The assay is designed and validated in order to detect the total amount of aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2)