Immunoaffinity Columns

Immunoaffinity Columns

Eurofins Technologies provides an extensive portfolio of mycotoxin and vitamin immunoaffinity columns. Simple and reliable sample purification solutions for the food and feed industry are available for the majority of regulated mycotoxins.

Eurofins Technologies SENSIColumn IACs are offered in a 3 ml format designed for application in various analytical techniques, including HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, and ELISA. Especially the multi-mycotoxin IAC column, designed for detection of multiple mycotoxins on LC-MS/MS systems, and the ergot alkaloid IAC column are innovative purification solutions for the food and feed industries.

Eurofins Technologies Portfolio of Immunoaffinity Columns

Mycotoxin IACs


Vitamin IACs

Aflatoxin total
Aflatoxin M1
Combi Afla+Ochra
Combi Afla+Ochra+Zeara
Combi Deoxinivalenol+Zearalenone
Ergot Alkaloids
Biotin (Vitamin H)
Vitamin B12
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

Key Benefits of the SENSIColumn IACs

• Excellent flow behaviour
• Extremely robust
• Easy enrichment guaranteed
• Highly specific purification with monoclonal antibodies
• Wide range of application for various matrices
• Multi-analyte IACs for LC-MS/MS application
• Long shelf life
• Fast (15 to 30 min)

Immunoaffinity Columns