Eurofins GeneScan Technologies real-time PCR GMO kits
Eurofins GeneScan Technologies is recognised worldwide for its expertise and leading performance in the field of bio-molecular testing for GMOs. Our PCR methods for GMO screening, identification and quantification have been adapted to the volatile and current market situation and are verified daily.
Key benefits
• Broadest portfolio of GMO testing kits worldwide
• Excellent overview of the global GMO approval and cultivation situation
• Regular adaptation of the detection kits portfolio to market demands
PCR Kits
Kits are available both for conventional PCR or real-time PCR, for screening, identification and quantification.
Real-Time PCR Kits
• GMOScreen: modular system of intelligent screening and multiplex screening kits
• GMOIdent: kits for precise identification or exclusion of single GMO varieties in soy, maize, rice, sugar beet, cotton,
linseed or potato
• GMOQuant: quantitative methods to identify and to quantitate the GMO content in order to comply with labelling
and marketability rules
• Verification kits: offered for GMOScreen RT 35S/NOS/FMV and GMOQuant kits, with all components required for the
EURL recommended verification of the corresponding kit
Conventional PCR kits
• GMOScreen 35/NOS/FMV: general screening kit for GMO in food and feed
• GMOScreenRapeseed: kit specifically designed for rapeseed screening