Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
GM technology adoption in agriculture expanded rapidly in the past decades. Genetically modified crops are now cultivated at about 10% of the global arable land surface, and in some regions like the US the GMO rate is above 90% for soybeans and corn.
New GMOs are regularly being approved and commercially planted, and the genetic constructs of these new GMOs vary significantly from those of the known GMOs, which can have a substantial impact on complex analysis strategies.
Real-Time PCR GMO Kits
Eurofins GeneScan Technologies real-time PCR GMO kits
Eurofins GeneScan Technologies is recognised worldwide for its expertise and leading performance in the field of bio-molecular testing for GMOs. Our PCR methods for GMO screening, identification and quantification have been adapted to the volatile and current market situation and are verified daily.
Key benefits
• Broadest portfolio of GMO testing kits worldwide
• Excellent overview of the global GMO approval and cultivation situation
• Regular adaptation of the detection kits portfolio to market demands
PCR Kits
Kits are available both for conventional PCR or real-time PCR, for screening, identification and quantification.
Real-Time PCR Kits
• GMOScreen: modular system of intelligent screening and multiplex screening kits
• GMOIdent: kits for precise identification or exclusion of single GMO varieties in soy, maize, rice, sugar beet, cotton,
linseed or potato
• GMOQuant: quantitative methods to identify and to quantitate the GMO content in order to comply with labelling
and marketability rules
• Verification kits: offered for GMOScreen RT 35S/NOS/FMV and GMOQuant kits, with all components required for the
EURL recommended verification of the corresponding kit
Conventional PCR kits
• GMOScreen 35/NOS/FMV: general screening kit for GMO in food and feed
• GMOScreen Rapeseed: kit specifically designed for rapeseed screening
ELISA Kits and Lateral Flow Tests
Eurofins Technologies offers an extensive portfolio of GMO testing kits in ELISA and rapid test formats. Accurate and reliable solutions are available for the analysis of key genetically modified crops, such as cotton, soybean, corn and canola.
Key Benefits of ELISA Kits
• Matching pair of monoclonal antibodies
• Standardized test procedure
• Only one washing step during the ELISA test
• Unmatched sensitivity and specificity for the assayed target
• Consistent performance within the batch and across batches
Key Benefits of Lateral Flow Devices
• Rapid on-site testing
• Reliable result with no lab equipment