BACGene real-time PCR Kits

BACGene Real-Time PCR Kits
For a fast and easy detection of food pathogens
Since the detection of pathogens by classical cultural methods is time-intensiveand laborious, the use of more efficient methods is becoming increasingly important for microbiological laboratories. Eurofins GeneScan Technologies’ BACGene real-time PCR kits for the detection of the most relevant food-related pathogens offer fast and reliable results.
The protocols are very simple and applicable for low as well as high throughput purposes. Multiplex PCR systems were developed for several assays, allowing the detection of these particular pathogens in one reaction. Due to aligned workflows different BACGene real-time PCR kits can be run simultaneously. Most BACGene real-time PCR kits maintain certifications from internationally recognized organizations (AFNOR and AOAC).